Franklinton Little League suffers damage from storm

Published 2:11 pm Thursday, June 22, 2023

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Monday’s rainstorm caused damage to the Franklinton Little League facility that included the roof being taken off the concession stand.
Franklinton Little League Treasurer Tammy Knight said that plans were already in the works to build a centralized concession stand/restroom/storage facility.
Knight said the reason they have not gone forward with it is because of funding.
“We’ve been trying to salvage money since 2018,” Knight said. “I’ve got enough money to pour our foundation.”
Knight said they reached out to a brick company to do a fundraiser of engraved bricks.
Knight said they are looking for masonry work and HBAC work. She said the building will be metal.
“I’m sure I have a lot of people in our organization who will do electrical work,” Knight said. “The problem is materials.”
Another thing they would like to do is build a gated entrance with columns and bricks. Knight said that concrete needs to be poured for a sidewalk to make the facility more handicap accessible.
“We want to make our ballpark more handicap accessible,” Knight said. “We have a lot of grandparents that come and support their babies and they have wheelchairs and walkers and we want to make it easier on them. These are things that we have been working on since 2018.”
The brick fundraiser started on Tuesday. The cost is $100 per brick through July 15. The fee goes to $125 from July 16 through Aug. 15 and $150 from Aug. 16 until Aug. 30.
The engraved bricks will be used in the columns. For information on buying a brick, call Knight at 985-515-0900 or email