City gets positive audit news

Published 3:30 am Wednesday, July 10, 2019

The city of Bogalusa received positive news at the Bogalusa City Council meeting on Tuesday, July 2.

Bob Nielson, CPA, told the council that the city had received an “unmodified opinion” on its 2018 audit. Nielson noted that is the best opinion that can be issued for an audit.

“The city has a positive fund balance in its general fund,” Nielson said.

He noted that the city had a surplus of $572,482 in 2018, leaving it with a positive ending general fund balance of $655,357.

“We think the city is going in the right direction to solving problems of the past,” he said.

Bogalusa Mayor Wendy Perrette told The Daily News that it is the largest surplus that her administration has ever had in the general fund.

“We have been in the black before, but never to this level,” she said.

Although the city does have liabilities — including the underfunded pension plan and what it owes for the landfill — its present day-to-day financial situation is strong, Perrette said.

In other business, the council:

  • Introduced an ordinance that will be open for public discussion and voted upon at the next meeting on Tuesday, July 16. The ordinance would amend Ordinance No. 1164 providing for sanctions to compel attendance by council members at council meetings.
  • Heard monthly reports for June from Police Chief Kendall Bullen and Fire Chief Richard Moody.

Bullen said that Bogalusa police answered 1,313 complaints and made 255 arrests in June. Of those arrests, 119 were misdemeanors, 22 were felonies, and 114 were traffic related.

The Bogalusa Police Department also assisted with five escorts, and made three arrests for DWI.

Moody reported that his department responded to 153 calls during the month. They included one structure fire, three grass fires, one vehicle fire, six motor vehicle accidents, 13 false alarms, 28 service calls, 98 medical calls, and three Hazmat/power line calls.

  • Heard from Perrette, who responded to a question from citizen Fate Ferrell on whether state financial administrator Joey Richard might ever attend a city council meeting.

Perrette said that Richard is an accountant who works out of town in Metairie, and does most of his work from there.

“He is not planning on attending any council meeting, to my knowledge,” she said. “I can’t say for sure, but I think not.”