Bogalusa volleyball holds team camp to help improve skills

Published 1:56 pm Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Bogalusa High School held a team camp for members of its volleyball team this week.
The camp gave team members an opportunity to learn strategy, technique, skills and fundamentals, along with rules and regulations.
Two sessions were held per day for the clinic, which was held Monday through Thursday.
“Basically, trying to get them in shape was the major aspect of it,” Bogalusa coach Eddie Walker said. “We were getting them to learn the routine of serving, spiking, foot movement, serving and attack line, how points are scored and net rules. Basically, the total essence of the game and also dealing with substitutions, the number of timeouts and how much time you have on a timeout and preparing yourself to get ready to play after a timeout.”
Walker said footwork is one of the major keys in volleyball.
“You have to be in the ready position,” Walker said. “Being able to move from one place to another, you can’t do that standing straight up. It’s almost like a tennis match. You have to move from one area to another in a matter of seconds. We want to over-emphasize that.
“There’s no relax time unless the ball is out of bounds. We’re working with them on speed, agility, coordination and having good footwork. Footwork is a major part of volleyball. Without good footwork, you won’t be an asset to the team.”
Walker talked about the improvement he has seen this week.
“I’ve seen a lot of forearm passes and sets,” Walker said. “We’ve been working on those skills this week. We’re still working on our spikes from the setups and we’ve been working on our serves. That’s where your points come from — spikes, sets and serves. We’re also working on keeping volleys going.”
Walker said the team is young.
“The school volleyball squad is only three years old (since reinstating the program in 2011). No one has played organized volleyball for more than four years and this is my second year,” Walker said.
Bogalusa opens the season in late August.