Give back as Christmas draws nearer

Published 4:39 am Saturday, November 25, 2017

Thanksgiving 2017 is now over, but we have the most anticipated holiday of the year, Christmas, up next. While children innocently dream of opening toys on Christmas morning, the Daily News would like to encourage adults to look for additional avenues for giving, for that is the Christmas spirit.

The giving doesn’t have to cost you a dime. It could be giving of your time by volunteering at the Bogalusa Help Center or at Magnolia Humane Rescue Groups for animals. Or simply give someone who needs it acknowledgment, and a heartfelt smile.

But if you do have the spare money, you could buy an extra gift for a child and donate it to the Bogalusa Toy Fund, or sneak it to a needy neighbor. We know you will be blessed if you do.

Also look for opportunities to savor and to share the spirit. If your child sings a Christmas carol, listen to his or her youthful voice, and vow to remember the sound. Savor it. If you see a neighbor at a store or on the street, tell them, with love in your heart, what they mean to you. Share the spirit all throughout this season.