Children can inspire us all

Published 4:24 am Friday, August 4, 2017

It’s not only my own child and her daughter that inspire me, and when a dear friend suggested I write about a sweet 6-year-old who lives in Bogalusa and “who is involved in everything,” I couldn’t help being intrigued. I emailed her mother, asking her to tell me all about Paisley “P” Breland. And I was impressed.

Paisley was born to Kallie and Zack Breland seven weeks premature, and spent two months in the NICU.  At first the doctors thought she would have long-term negative effects from the many complications.

But she is doing well today, and her parents consider “P” their “miracle child.”

Paisley is said to be a very outgoing and adventurous child who “never meets a stranger, and is always making new friends.” She loves to sing and to spend time with her cousin who she lovingly calls her “baby sister.” I love that!

And Paisley is compassionate. During one Bible School she attended, the church took up a special offering for missions, and “P” noticed one little girl who did not have anything to give. So she took her dollar, tore it in half, and gave one half to the other the girl, so both would have offerings. Not only that, but one Christmas, Paisley gave some of her new Christmas gifts to children who were less fortunate. She’s a truly caring child.
One of her favorite things to do is to attend vacation Bible schools during the summer. She has been to 10 different Bible schools this summer alone. I say regular contact with the spirit can’t hurt!

She’s also attended YMCA and various other camps and took part in the Summer Reading Program at the Washington Parish Library.

Paisley’s mom said, “She is being taught to have a love for God, family, and her community. Paisley is an active member of First Pentecostal Church of Bogalusa.

“Paisley has a dream to one day to become mayor of Bogalusa. She loves Mayor Perrette, and looks up to her.  Some may have negative things to say about our town, but as parents we try to focus on the positive here. We would like to thank every church and facility that offered VBS, kid’s camps, and other activities.  Clearly, there is a lot here that is provided and we encourage everyone to take advantage of what is offered and support our city.”

I love the positivity. Let a child who has wise parents guide you!

Marcelle Hanemann is a reporter for The Daily News. You can email her at or call her at 985-732-2565, ext. 301.