Women are making a difference in city

Published 4:59 am Saturday, July 15, 2017

Bogalusa seems to be saying goodbye to the blues. Prejudice, plaintiff lawyers, lowered standards and bad press may have taken us down over the years, but the ladies are bringing us back.

Our new mayor is raising our expectations, doing what she can with the limited resources. Malinda Brumfield is taking our issues to Baton Rouge and making the “blues festival” one of the premier events in our state. Barbara Hicks is teaching us of the efforts of the brave men and women of the civil rights struggle of the past so we never forget. Wendy Williams is breathing new life in our abandoned houses with her Bogalusa Rebirth program.

It seems everywhere you look, hope is in the air. There are still problems, of course. We have them and will always have them, but it appears there are many rolling up their sleeves and working to get the job done. By taking massive action, a good change will come and the magic will return to our beloved home.

Thank you ladies, for setting a great example. It is time for all of us who love Bogalusa to get on board to help make a positive change.

Ardie Cesario
