We should all love our lives

Published 4:41 am Friday, July 14, 2017

I remember the 1970s when we all believed in the “100th monkey effect,” which hypothesized that a new behavior or idea will spread immediately by an unexplained means to all related groups, once a critical number of the group demonstrates the new behavior or acknowledges the new idea. We were all counting on it to bring world peace and spiritual enlightenment in the blink of an eye.

Since then, the hypothesis has been disproved, as based on the unstable ground of sweet potato washing macaque monkeys in Japan in 1952. But I prefer to continue to believe. I know that positivity breeds positivity. It’s infectious. And I know that one day we will all embrace the positive. But that might take some time, so just do all you can to spread positivity in your life and in your own community. I truly believe that will attract more of the positive to you.

According to the hypothesis, scientists were giving monkeys sweet potatoes dropped in the sand. The monkeys liked the taste of the potatoes, but found the sand unpleasant. A young female found she could solve the problem by washing the potatoes in a nearby stream. She taught that to her mother, and her playmates also learned the new behavior and taught it to their mothers.

Rupert Sheldrake has cited that a phenomenon like the 100th monkey effect would be evidence of morphic fields bringing about non-local effects in consciousness and learning.

Later the theory was discredited. For one thing, there were not 100 monkeys in the colony that was being studied, but also because more traditional explanations covered the learning.

But I still believe in the non-physical world. And I believe this unseen energy can have a powerful effect on everything that exists.

I believe we all choose our internal experience of reality, that we have a choice to see the cup is half full instead of half empty. I believe, as Viviane Greene once said, “Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” And I know that it’s a liberating and joyful experience to dance in the rain!

It will take some deprograming of what we’ve been taught all of our lives, but I believe we need to do it. We should all love our lives. And even if the 100th monkey effect has been disproven, I think enlightenment can still be ours, even in the blink of an eye.

Marcelle Hanemann is a reporter for The Daily News. You can email her at marcelle.hanemann@bogalusadailynews.com or call her at 985-732-2565, ext. 301.