Go out and share a smile

Published 4:26 am Friday, June 30, 2017

One thing that I value is getting and giving smiles. It’s especially lovely when you can give a smile to a stranger who doesn’t expect you to do it. Just make eye contact, and then radiate your smile and your love across the space between you.

In doing so, you are not only recognizing their existence, but you are empowering that existence. That can make a great deal of difference in someone’s life. And, when you share love that way, it feels really good for you, too.

I think if everybody realized how very grand it feels to spread their love around, more people would get hooked on it. Let’s all get addicted to loving! That could make it much more pleasant around here.

Ram Dass, who used to teach at Harvard University, is an American spiritual teacher and the author of the classic 1971 book “Be Here Now.” He likes to say that we are all “just walking each other home.” That makes me feel good, too.

We are all in this life together, and when everybody realizes that our lives will change. In the mean time, you can take individual responsibility, as Ram Dass continues to do via his charitable Hanuman Foundation and Seva Foundation, and his website.

I truly believe that we are one, and are inseparable. So it makes sense for us all to take responsibility for all of us. It makes sense to take care of the Earth and each other, including plants and animals. And I feel that it’s not our place to judge who or what is worthy to be loved. So love all, even the alligator!

When Ram Dass was asked if he could sum up his life’s message, he replied, “I help people as a way to work on myself, and I work on myself to help people … to me, that’s what the emerging game is all about.” I really like these sentiments. Life is all about love, and about giving of ourselves, for the betterment of all beings.

Now back to your smile. According to Mary Morrissey, the Balinese people believe that their work in life is to smile. They believe in having individual professions, but they also believe in creating a sense of community by sharing smiles.

I suggest that loving is all the work that really matters. So go out now and genuinely give somebody a smile.

Marcelle Hanemann is a reporter for The Daily News. You can email her at marcelle.hanemann@bogalusadailynews.com or call her at 985-732-2565, ext. 301.