I love my little family

Published 5:31 am Friday, April 28, 2017

Oh, I love my little family. I just can’t believe that we’ve gotten so old. I remember that I was one of the youngest in my group. I’ve noticed that the older you get, the faster time seems to pass. But I like to stay away from issues like time. I don’t know whether or not I believe that time actually exists. I am not all that normal, just ask my husband.

Now, my parents are both in their 80s and in failing health. My mother, bless her heart, has some sort of dementia, and keeps wanting to see her husband, who she divorced decades ago.

Sadly, we recently had to move Mom to a facility for her safety. It’s not a “home.” She once told me that she always worried about ever going into a “home.” Ahhh…

My father, bless his heart, is reasonably strong cognitively, but he’s deteriorating physically. He lives in Lockport and I saw him Sunday. I was surprised to see how frail he’s gotten. Ahhh…

It’s so hard to see the people who you love so dearly, falter. And to know they must leave you soon.

It’s hard to realize that you will soon be the oldest generation in your immediate family. So I try to practice the art of happiness, and I console myself by filling myself up with love for my elders, my ancestors, my husband, Danny, and our daughter, Brook, and our granddaughter, Isabella Danielle, who will both live into the future.

I take great pleasure watching my wise, kind child and her own sweet, smart character of a girl. I love watching Izzy get tickled when she plays with her “silly” Papa. I love that she’s started calling for 4-way smoochies.

I can’t believe Izzy is already 4-years-old! She just laughs and laughs and sometimes giggles at anything to do with bodily functions. Passing gas absolutely delights her, and she and her Papa have long sessions that Izzy calls “being silly” where they regale one another with imagined beasts with “Pooh Pooh Heads” and such. I must say they both have very creative imaginations.

I’ve now lived long enough to know that we must not mourn our lives before they’re gone. We must celebrate our parents while we have them. We must treasure those who will outlive us while we’re still here. And we should do that with joy and serenity in our hearts, and with all-encompassing love.

Marcelle Hanemann is a reporter for The Daily News. You can email her at marcelle.hanemann@bogalusadailynews.com or call her at 985-732-2565, ext. 301.