‘Slow and steady’ will win the roadwork race

Published 1:15 am Saturday, December 19, 2015

The City of Bogalusa’s current financial situation is somewhat similar to one of Aesop’s fables, “The Tortoise and The Hare.”

Bogalusa is slowly digging its way out of the deficit, which was $1.3 million at the beginning of the 2015 fiscal year. Bogalusa Mayor Wendy Perrette projected the deficit to be erased sometime by the end of 2015 or early 2016, based on property taxes collected. That is some three years sooner than city officials expected.

Like the hare, Bogalusa residents want city streets and roads repaired yesterday, or as fast as possible.

Like the tortoise, city officials are taking the slow and easy approach toward repairing city streets. They might as well take that kind of approach since finances are still shaky. They’re patiently waiting for the intergovernmental agreement with the parish to catch up.

Without a doubt, many of the streets in the city are in poor condition. Residents just want a smooth ride without endangering their vehicles.

Bogalusa City Council members continued to get an earful about conditions of city roads and streets, particularly North Roosevelt Street where Sweet Beulah Baptist Church is located.
Church members are seeking repairs to the road in front of the church. They say standing water after rainstorms make entry to the church property more than a little difficult.

Perrette assured church members Roosevelt Street is on the list for repairs in the very near future. She asked church members to bear with her and give her a little more time.

It’s better to wait a little bit and do the repairs correctly the first time, rather than rushing and doing a faulty job and then going back and correcting the mistakes.