Avenue G street surface needs improvement
Published 8:53 am Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Dear Editor,
It is nice to see, and to read about, all the improvements to the streets in Bogalusa.
There is, however, a serious problem on one of our streets that nobody seems ready to repair. On the 500 block of Avenue G there is a large hole in the street that has barricades and a “street closed” sign.
This has been the situation for several months. This spot is in front of the parking lot of First Baptist Church, requiring cars to navigate around the barricade to enter the parking lot.
In August, I was in Mayor Wendy Perrette’s office for a different purpose, but I did talk to her about this hazard. She had the picture pulled up on the computer and spoke with Mr. James Hall of the streets department. She was told this is not just a pothole, but a more serious problem under the street, requiring a bigger, more costly repair.
Well, here we are going into winter. Can this problem cause the street to collapse? It seems to me that even though this is not a busy thoroughfare, a lot of traffic does go this way.
Also, now a large two-story house is being demolished in this block, which needs more access to this street.
A lot of people will be very happy to see this problem corrected — even if it requires closing the street while repairs are being done.
Why has this had to wait so long?
Lydia Fendlason