City has made progress on its road work

Published 12:57 am Saturday, October 24, 2015

Bogalusa’s infrastructure is being addressed one road at a time.

It was great news when the city announced its intentions to improve Martin Luther King Drive. Work on the project is expected to begin early next week. With all the potholes and dips in the concrete, it is an undertaking well worth the effort.

Bogalusa Mayor Wendy Perrette said funds for the MLK Project are coming from unused funds from the recently completed Austin Street Project. The $247,000 Austin Street project included overlaying the street and striping. She said MLK improvements won’t be as extensive as Austin Street for the immediate future, but improvements are on the horizon.

Road and street conditions in Bogalusa leave a lot to be desired. But at least we have another road set for repair and another that has been reworked.

It will take a long time for all thoroughfares filled with potholes to be repaired. But it seems the city is on the right track fixing the streets. Let’s be grateful for the effort.