OUR VIEW: Resurgence of museums at park has been remarkable

Published 7:19 am Friday, April 5, 2013

The Museums at Cassidy Park have made a remarkable recovery in the past three years, and the latest expansions are sure to appeal to young children.

Museum officials recently announced the addition of activity areas that will be designed to educate children and expose them to experiences of the past. Included in the expansion at the Native America Museum are a replica palmetto hut, a deer hide, arrowheads and even a small worktable that will allow the teaching of weaving.

A scavenger hunt is also being planned, which will be educational as well as enjoyable for the youngsters. Similar exhibits are also being set up in the Pioneer Museum.

The museums have become the keystone of progress in Cassidy Park, which is nothing short of amazing since the facilities were shuttered several years ago. Administration officials at the time were debating the future of the buildings, but through the dedication and commitment of volunteers the museums have been rejuvenated and more importantly have given Bogalusa an impressive cultural center.

Not coincidentally the museums’ renaissance has coincided with the rebirth of a once down-and-out park. Transforming the entire park into a diverse recreational/cultural hub has been a priority of the current administration, witnessed by the construction of an amphitheatre, restoration of deplorable rest rooms, a major overhaul of the entire area and the addition of amenities.

Rather than overgrown weeds and a seldom-used facility, Cassidy Park has become a gathering spot for citizens as well as a multi-facility that can host an event as small as a car show or as large as a blues festival.

Creativity of this magnitude is what is required to attain the administration’s goal of building a better Bogalusa.