Roberts — Freeman
Published 10:05 am Sunday, February 3, 2013
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Roberts, of Richton, Miss., announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Charley Rebecca Roberts, to Jeremy Blake Freeman, the son of Leona (Liz) Freeman, of Franklinton, and the late Greg Freeman.
The bride-elect is a 2010 graduate of Greene County (Miss.) High School and currently is employed at Sam’s Club in Covington.
She is the granddaughter of the late Luther and Voldey Walley, and the late Clarence and Ilene Roberts.
The prospective groom is a 2007 graduate of Franklinton High School and a graduate of Northshore Technical Community College with a degree in drafting. He is employed by Blessing Marine.
He is the grandson of Lois Tynes, of Franklinton, and the late Charles Wesley Tynes, and Jewel and Dottie Sue Freeman, of Bogalusa.
The couple will exchange vows on Saturday, Feb. 9, in a ceremony held at the home of the groom.
Friends and relatives are invited to attend the wedding and the reception, which will immediately follow the ceremony.