We Salute
Published 9:54 am Friday, August 24, 2012
Each Friday, The Daily News will recognize individuals and businesses in Washington Parish who have gone “above and beyond” in their efforts to make this a better place to live, work, play and raise a family.
We believe that an integral part of a community’s wellbeing is an attitude and arena where people who do good things … who work to improve life for others … who try to make a difference … are recognized and saluted.
Because this is a salute to members of the community of Washington Parish, we solicit your recommendations for groups or individuals to be considered for inclusion.
This week we salute:
• Casey Hill, the big winner in the Bogalusa Chamber of Commerce raffle of two New Orleans Saints season tickets awarded last week.
• Louisiana Secretary of State Tom Schedler, who presented information about the new developments at his office during the Aug. 14 meeting of the Bogalusa Rotary Club.
• The Ride for Heroes team, which completed a cross-country recumbent trike journey on Aug. 10, raising more than $92,000 for the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund in the process.
• Officials in Fire District 2, which has improved its fire protection grading from Class 6 to Class 5. The improved PIAL rating will result in lower insurance rates for residents in the Richardson area.
• Pine High School’s Nathan McNabb, who recently signed a baseball scholarship to Bishop State Community College.
• Leeke Magee and Mike Burris, the owners of Magee Autoplex, which last Thursday celebrated the groundbreaking of its new facility.
• Debbie Maddox, who opened Cajun Girls Bistro Aug. 7 in Bogalusa.
• Brad and Monica Triana, whose home has been selected Garden of the Month for August by the Northeast Garden Club.
• Stanley and Cathy Wheat, whose home has been selected as the Bogalusa Garden Guild Garden of the Month.
• Archbishop Gregory Aymond, who visited Annunciation Catholic Church to celebrate Mass on Aug. 14, praying for victims of substance abuse and violence.