
Music enriches your life

While I was at the Bogalusa Blues and Heritage Festival last weekend, it occurred to me that music ...


I’m not scared to live

As I awoke this morning, my first thought was the spur-of-the-moment little trip my friend, Trisha, and I ...


Plan life like it’s a meal

I believe we all should plan our lives like we do our meals, and then relax and give ...


Learn from the children

On Saturday, I awoke to a beautiful fall morning complete with a hint of the cool weather to ...


Cats in the garden can be a problem if not addressed

By Sun Davisworth It is natural behavior for cats to dig and defecate in soft or loose soil, ...


Simple truths

It’s been a busy week complete with a grandson’s birthday party, a Grandparents Day celebration, and a baby ...


Support those in blue!

I am writing this column, as usual, on Wednesday. But this is just not any Wednesday. The Superdome, ...


Nice to be home again

Missy, my faithful dachshund, is sitting by my side relaxing in her rocker on the back porch. Yes, ...


Storm positives

These powerful hurricanes have got me concerned. I was in Bogalusa, with my husband and mother, for Hurricane ...


Am I still the cool nana?

What a wonderful day to take a little road trip with my favorite eldest grandson! For any who ...

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