City honors volunteers
Published 4:17 am Saturday, May 11, 2019
The Bogalusa City Council presented two noteworthy community volunteers with proclamations during the council meeting Tuesday night.
The Rev. Bill Moon, pastor of ESM United Methodist Church, was presented a proclamation in appreciation for his nearly five years of service to the community. He was recently named the 2018 Bogalusa Citizen of the Year, and was also honored during the Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast earlier this month.
Later in the meeting, Mayor Wendy Perrette also read a proclamation in support of May as Older Americans Month, and in support of the Bogalusa chapter of the AARP. Perrette presented the proclamation to Emma Dixon, chapter president.
Moon spoke for about 10 minutes at the beginning of the meeting, expressing his thanks to the city and also addressing some advice from one of his favorite books — The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey. Moon will soon be retiring from his role as ESM pastor.
“(My wife Ann and I) have enjoyed our time in Bogalusa,” Moon said. “We will leave with fond memories.”
Dixon, whose role as president is a volunteer position, said that the local AARP chapter is honoring one of its longtime members, Mable Magee, who will turn 103 in July. She also said that AARP has made a focus this year in publicizing the high cost of prescription drugs, and how it is one of the tougher challenges faced by elderly citizens.
The next meeting of the AARP chapter will be Thursday, May 16, at 3 p.m. at the Bogalusa Senior Center on Willis Avenue. Dixon said that one topic of the meeting will be flood insurance and other issues related to flood damage.
Finally, Dixon noted that the aging population in the U.S. would be experiencing a considerable boom in the coming years. She said that a U.S. Census Bureau report states that the population of U.S. citizens ages 65 and older was estimated as 43.1 million in 2012, and it is expected to increase to 83.7 million by 2050.
Dixon also thanked the city for the proclamation on behalf of AARP.
In other business, the council:
- Adopted a resolution of the Bogalusa mayor and city council stating its support for the development of U.S. Bicycle Route 90 through Louisiana.
- Adopted a resolution in opposition of all proposed legislation that transfers the administration and collection of local sales and use taxes to the Louisiana Department of Revenue.
- Introduced four ordinances, which will be open for public participation and voted upon during the council’s next meeting on Tuesday, May 21, at 5:30 p.m.
The first ordinance would authorize the mayor to enter into the Master Service Agreement for Professional Services at the George R. Carr Memorial Airfield between the City of Bogalusa and Professional Engineering Consultant Corporation.
The second ordinance would authorize the mayor to accept the low bidder Nobles Construction for the General Dynamics (Maximus) interior improvements.
The third ordinance would authorize the mayor to enter into a contract between the Washington Parish Sales/Use Tax Centralization Commission and Sheriff and Ex-Officio Tax Collector for Washington Parish.
The fourth ordinance would amend Ordinance No. 1164: An Ordinance providing for sanctions to compel attendance by council members at council meetings.
- Adopted two ordinances, which were initially introduced at the April 16 meeting.
The first adopted ordinance authorizes the mayor to enter into an agreement between the City of Bogalusa and Kyle Associates, LLC, for a loading dock at the International Paper facility in the Industrial Park. The ordinance passed 6-0, with Teddy Drummond abstaining because he is an IP employee.
The second adopted ordinance sets Ad Valorem Tax Rates and levying such taxes for 2019, as required by law. The ordinance passed unanimously.
The next council meeting will be Tuesday, May 21, at 5:30 p.m. at Bogalusa City Hall, located at 214 Arkansas St.