Bogalusa Drill Team successful to start 2018

Published 12:01 am Wednesday, January 17, 2018

By 1st Sgt. Jack Rogers
Special to the Daily News

The Lumberjack Battalion started its 2018 Drill season off by traveling to Salmen High School.
The BHS Lumberjack Cadets competed against five other schools, including North Shore High, Salmen High, Fontainebleau High, Slidell and St. Amant High.
The drill competition events are physical fitness, armed regulation and exhibition, unarmed regulation and exhibition, color guard and the knockout drill.
Cadet Charvo Myers placed 2nd and Jaylon Scott placed third in the knockout drill.
Bogalusa’s Armed Regulation and Armed Exhibition teams each placed second.
Unarmed regulation placed second, while the unarmed exhibition placed third. The inspection team placed third.
In the Physical Fitness category, the Lumberjacks placed second in the most pushups and most sit-ups. On the two-mile relay, the cadets placed first and they were first overall in the Physical Fitness.
Overall the Lumberjacks of BHS Army JROTC placed second overall with top place within the District.
The Cadets will continue their hard work and are preparing for the upcoming Drill events, which will be in March. The Cadets of BHS will be hosting their second annual drill competition on March 24.  They will also be competing at the LSU Pershing Rifles on April 7 in Baton Rouge.