City council hears from Tanner

Published 4:52 am Saturday, November 25, 2017

Bogalusa City Schools Superintendent Lisa Tanner spoke before the Bogalusa City Council at its Tuesday night meeting, telling the council and the public about some of the challenges and accomplishments at BCS in her first year leading the system.

Tanner said that one of her biggest beliefs is that the BCS employees need to be involved in the daily lives of the schools’ children.

“Our school board (central) office is empty most days, because the employees are all out in the schools now,” she said. “It takes every one. Relationships are the most important thing. Every child is important every day.

“We can’t help them to be successful unless we know what drives our kids.”

Tanner noted that strong schools help lead to a strong city, because the children are the future taxpayers and business owners of Washington Parish.

She also said that while scores have been poor at BCS in past years, she is very hopeful that recent changes will result in improved school scores in the future.

Council president Tamira Smith noted that Tanner was one of her teachers, and Smith and many other council members congratulated Tanner on her new job and expressed their beliefs that the BCS will continue to improve under Tanner’s watch.

In other business, the council:

  • Approved a resolution authorizing the mayor to execute an agreement with the Louisiana Dept. of Transportation and Development for the Environmental Assessment at the George R. Carr Memorial Airport.
  • Approved two resolutions, authorizing the retaining of Robert A. Nielson, CPA, to provide professional accounting services for the city of Bogalusa, and to provide the procedure list of component units for the city of Bogalusa.
  • Approved an ordinance authorizing the mayor to enter into a contract between the city of Bogalusa and Natural Resources Conservation Services for debris removal of the Bogue Lusa Creek.
  • Heard a presentation from Sonja Newman with the United Way of Southeast Louisiana.
  • Tabled a resolution from council member Gloria Kates. Kates had asked for the council to update language in the city budget, in order to make it clearer that voter-approved tax funds could be used for maintenance and programs at the Bogalusa Senior Center. Kates said that the language in the budget states the funds can be used for public buildings, but does not specifically include the words “including the Bogalusa Senior Center.”

She noted that when the issue came up for a vote, the words “including the … senior center” were specifically included on the ballot.

Several council members said they support the mission of the Bogalusa Senior Center and support activities for senior citizens, but suggested tabling the issue to conduct further research. By a 4-3 vote, the resolution was tabled.

  • Heard from Landon Tims, director of parks and recreation for the city of Bogalusa. Tims said that the roof would soon be replaced at the Poplas Recreation Center, and that work is planned to fix the concession stand at the Avenue B Sportsplex.

Speaking on behalf of Public Works Director James Hall, Tims also provided an update on condemned house demolitions in the city, as well as recent street repairs. He thanked the Washington Parish government for assisting with the street maintenance projects.