More ‘Mystery Person’ clues revealed

Published 4:35 am Friday, October 20, 2017

Washington Parish Fair Ward VII director and Mystery Person Chairperson Pam Miley is disclosing Friday’s clues for this year’s Mystery Person contest. The winner who can guess the Mystery Person’s identity will win a $200 cash prize. The identity will be revealed on Saturday night of the fair.

The cost to cast a guess for the 2017 Mystery Person doesn’t cost anything. The guessing table is located in front of the Education Building. There will be a box with the guessing slips located on the table along with the box to place your prediction. The drawing for the cash prize will be Saturday night of the 2017 Washington Parish Fair. Make sure you cast your guess before the box is picked up on Saturday evening prior to the unveiling of the 2017 Mystery Person.

Each day’s clues will be placed close to the guessing box.

Friday’s Clues

Mystery Person 2017 always makes a clean sweep,

Not referring to his costume this time,

The love for his family and sweetheart is what I now speak.

Like his first name,

Our country’s number 35,

Had a brother with the same.

Like our country’s number 45,

His sweetheart sir name,

Did derive.

With matrimony of the two,

The siblings formed a pentagon.

Are you still wondering who?

However, from that mix,

Nuptials of one,

Made six.

Our Scarecrows trio and his Sweetheart’s duo,

Were all Maids and Guards,

In a magical affair.

One was once a Demon with a flame,

Then soared with the Eagles,

And is now a Saint at the game.

Lots of fun, he likes to toss.

And twice a duke,

In his den of Chaos,

On Saturday morning, one may shout WOW!

As this Scarecrow and The Rifleman,


Today’s clues are more specific,

So go cast your guess,

I’m sure it will be terrific.