Lessons learned: BHS, Youthbuild host youth drug prevention talks

Published 4:06 am Friday, September 22, 2017

On Monday, the Bogalusa Police Department partnered with the federal Drug Enforcement Administration to host a drug prevention program at Bogalusa High School and Youthbuild Bogalusa, according to Maj. Percy Knight, the BPD’s public information officer.

The first presentation at BHS was to the junior high students and the second was to the senior high students.

“I introduced Agent George Casnavet of the DEA to the students,” Knight said. “Casnavet talked to the students about drug abuse, drug addiction, drug prevention and the consequences of selling illegal narcotics.”

“The students viewed a video about opioid abuse, titled ‘Chasing the Dragon.’ Following the video, Fredrick ‘Tommy’ Seal shared his testimony with the students about the time he was addicted to cocaine and crystal methamphetamine.

“Seal spoke of the effects the drug abuse had on his body and how his abuse led him to serve time in prison. Seal pleaded with the students to stay away and never experiment with drugs. Seal also spoke about his own recovery and how he is using his past experiences to help other addicts who are seeking help and recovery.’’

On Monday afternoon, the program was presented to the students at Youthbuild. Knight Quinn Smith, of the U.S. Attorney’s Office, and Bogalusa City Council member Gloria Kates were also in attendance.

Knight said if any area church, school or organization would like to have the program presented to their youth, they should contact him at 985-732-3611.