RCC gets good audit
Published 4:43 am Friday, July 28, 2017
American Correctional Association (ACA) auditors recently gave high marks to the Rayburn Correctional Center, Elayn Hunt Correctional Center and Dixon Correctional Institute, as they wrapped up their audits of the three state facilities.
Ken Pastorick, communications director for the Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, said that auditors completed a thorough review of personnel and procedures during the reaccreditation process. They praised the staff at these facilities for their professionalism and dedication. ACA accreditation is a voluntary process, but one that is tremendously important to the overall safety of the public, correctional staff and offenders.
“I was blown away when I arrived and I still am today,” said Julie Salmi, ACA auditor. Salmi also singled out Elayn Hunt, the last institute audited during this cycle, “I’ve noticed that as soon as I walked in here, the staff are dedicated to what they do and their mission. There are many wonderful programs here for offenders.”
“Accreditation is a good indication of the high levels of public safety and professionalism in our institutions,” said Department Secretary James M. Le Blanc. “We could not have achieved such amazing audit results without the hard work and dedicated service of each and every staff member in our facilities.”
Louisiana is one of 24 fully accredited correctional systems in the country. The ACA requires reaccreditation every three years. Some of the things auditors look for include:
- Written policy and procedures to establish a training and staff development program for all employees.
- Assessments that cover administration and management, the physical plant, institutional operations and services and inmate programs.
- Quality of life concerns such as adequacy of medical services, sanitation, use of segregation and detention, incidents of violence, crowding, offender activity levels and provisions of basic services that may impact the life, safety and health of offenders and staff.
Each facility is graded on 525 standards, 62 of which are mandatory. Facilities must score 100 percent on mandatory standards and at least 90 percent on non-mandatory standards to earn reaccreditation.
RCC received 100 percent on mandatory standards, and 99.3 percent on non-mandatory standards.
The reaccreditation process continues in January at the American Correctional Association’s winter conference in Orlando, Fla. At that time, facility representatives will go before the Commission on Accreditation to defend the results of the audit.
ACA audits are done every three years. Other Louisiana state prisons not audited during this cycle will be re-audited in future cycles.