Franklinton man arrested for sex with minor

Published 1:17 pm Friday, June 30, 2017

After receiving a complaint that a 21-year-old Franklinton man had sex with a minor female, Washington Parish Sheriff’s Office detectives initiated an investigation that resulted in the Tuesday arrest of Demile Shamon Kagler, 21, a resident of Greenlaw Street in Franklinton.

Chief Deputy Mike Haley said that the investigation, which included an interview of the minor female victim at the Child Advocacy Center, revealed that Kagler arranged to meet the juvenile through social media contacts and ultimately consummated the relationship at his house in Franklinton. Details of the investigation were presented to a 22nd Judicial District Judge who issued a warrant for Kagler’s arrest.

Kagler was arrested by a patrol deputy and placed in the Washington Parish Jail charged with carnal knowledge of a juvenile and computer aided solicitation of a minor. His bond was set at $35,000. Kagler met the conditions of his bond and was released Thursday, Haley said.

Haley said it is the policy of the WPSO not to provide additional information in such matters involving a juvenile in order to protect the identity of the minor child.

This was Kagler’s third stay in the Washington Parish Jail. In August 2015, he spent two nights in jail for domestic violence battery. He spent one night in jail in September 2016 for failure to appear in court. In both cases, he was released on bond.

“Louisiana law is specific about an adult having sexual relations with a juvenile,” Washington Parish Sheriff Randy Seal said. “It is a criminal offense. Our officers handled this case in a very professional manner and I commend them for their excellent work.

“I am so honored to be able to work with such a fine group of men and women who diligently perform their duties and work 24/7 to serve and protect the citizens of Washington Parish.”