AG Landry: Parish man arrested for child porn

Published 1:50 pm Monday, February 13, 2017

On Monday, Attorney General Jeff Landry announced the arrests of five men on over 300 counts of sexual exploitation of children. Among those arrested was a fugitive from Franklinton, Landry said.

“The Louisiana Department of Justice is doing all we can to make our state a safer place,” Landry said. “Despite threats of further budget cuts, our Cyber Crime Unit remains steadfastly committed to taking child predators off the streets.”

Nathan Stover, 24, of Franklinton, was arrested for 250 counts of sexual abuse images and/or videos of children (under the age of 13).

He was arrested by Michigan State Police as a fugitive from Louisiana, officials with Landry’s office said. He was then extradited and booked into the Washington Parish Jail as a result of a joint investigation between the Louisiana Bureau of Investigation’s Cyber Crime Unit and Michigan State Police, Homeland Security Investigations, the Washington Parish Sheriff’s Office, the Franklinton Police Department, and the Louisiana State Police.

Also arrested Monday were Michael Cochran of Marrero, Bruce Hathaway of Baton Rouge, Leonard Barbay of Sunshine, and Shelly Stratton of Baton Rouge.