Help Center seeks holiday donations

Published 5:09 am Friday, October 28, 2016

As the holiday season draws nearer, Gene Hayman, the volunteer president of the Bogalusa Help Center, is asking citizens to think of their neighbors as well as their families.

“Thanksgiving is coming and that’s a big thing for the Help Center,” Hayman said.

The Help Center distributes food to needy families every Wednesday, and Hayman said the volunteers like to give out something a little different, each Thanksgiving and Christmas.

“We’ll have some special foods for Thanksgiving and Christmas that we’ll have for folks,” he said. “And we will try to give them a little extra for those holidays.”

However, Hayman said he needs the help of everyone in the community to make sure there is enough food.

“Any gifts of food or cash would be appreciated,” he said. “Any canned goods are fine. Any canned vegetables, sweet potatoes, beans, dried beans, anything like that is good.”

Usually the Help Center accepts whatever non-perishable goods people can provide, but during the holidays, Hayman said the center likes to offer perishable items. Cash donations allow center volunteers to buy fresh foods to give away.

“We’re giving a little hen at Christmastime, which is unusual,” Hayman said. “In November, we’re giving them sausage and red beans, and sweet potatoes and things of that sort. Cash for meat would be better, because we have to buy it on a weekly basis and give it out as they come in.”

However, Hayman said he also hopes people will understand the Help Center needs donations every month of the year, not just now.

“Thanksgiving is every day of the year in our business,” he said.

Anyone who would like to pick up food may do so Wednesday from 8 a.m. to noon.