Morgan is Franklinton ‘Citizen of the Year’

Published 6:22 am Saturday, August 6, 2016

Jim Morgan might prefer to do good works behind the scenes, but he can’t hide from this recognition.

Morgan was selected Monday evening as the 2015 Franklinton Citizen of the Year. Past honorees voted for him during an election at the Varnado Store Museum annex, and then surprised him at his parents’ house afterwards to reveal the news.

“I would say I’m humbled, undeserving,” Morgan said. “I don’t like the attention, I just want to help people.”

Morgan is a member of First Baptist Church in Franklinton, where he serves on the Board of Deacons as well as several committees. He also is involved with the “Celebrate Recovery” program at the church.

“Jim is one who does whatever is necessary to get a job done, expecting absolutely no recognition at all,” reads his nomination letter. “Many Sunday mornings, Jim would drive for miles to pick up kids just so they would be in Sunday school and church.”

Morgan will be publicly recognized at a ceremony in Franklinton later this month.

He has served with the Washington Parish Fair Association for years in different capacities. He also coached in the Dixie Baseball Association for many years, and helped to mow the fields with his tractor — a service he also provided for the baseball teams at Franklinton High School and Bowling Green School.

“In all that Jim does, he never expects any praise or accolades,” the letter writer stated. “Jim is truly a fine example to all of what a good Christian citizen should be.”

One of Morgan’s unique attributes is that he likes to give one-of-a-kind rocks to those who achieve special successes. These rocks not only have a biblical symbolism, but also a special significance to his family.

Morgan explained that several years ago, his middle son wanted to play baseball for FHS. Morgan developed a routine where he would wake his son up early each morning, and they would drive out to a large nearby sandbar. Morgan had his son run along the sandbar from September through December, in order to build up his strength and speed.

One day, while watching his son, Morgan noticed some unusual rocks on the sandbar and began collecting them. He now presents those unique stones to friends who achieve special goals in their lives.

“Each of the rocks are outstanding and special, and each person is outstanding and special,” he said.

Morgan said that he just tries to help everyone he can, and often learns of those in need just through interactions at work or in the community.

“If you just use your eyes and ears, there will be people who come into your life that you can help,” he said. “They’re there, and they need you. You just have to look for them.”