Club names ‘deputy of year’
Published 8:28 am Friday, April 29, 2016
- COURTESY PHOTO Shown are, left to right, Sheriff Randy Seal, Sgt. Lionel Mark and Chief Deputy Mike Haley.
The Bogalusa Rotary Club named Sgt. Lionel Mark of the Washington Parish Sheriff’s Office as the club’s “deputy sheriff of the year” during Tuesday’s club meeting.
Chief Deputy Mike Haley said that Mark has been with the Washington Parish Sheriff’s Office since Oct. 22, 2012. Mark is a military veteran, having retired from service in both the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Air Force.
He is a graduate of the Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office Law Enforcement Academy and certified by the Louisiana Peace Officers Standards and Training Commission.
After working in the Washington Parish Jail, Mark assumed the position of School Resource Officer at Mt. Hermon, Varnado and Enon schools.
Sheriff Randy Seal said that Mark is a worthy selection for the club’s award.
“Sgt. Mark is an outstanding officer and gentleman,” Seal said. “His maturity and demeanor have made him a popular figure in the parish school system and he is an excellent role model for students. We are privileged to have Sgt. Mark as a part of the WPSO family.”
The Rotary Club honors first responders throughout the year.