New clinic open for business
Published 8:41 am Friday, April 22, 2016
On Wednesday, Renee Ragas, the chief executive officer of Our Lady of the Angels Hospital in Bogalusa, welcomed the community to a new clinic.
The Our Lady of the Angels Clinic is at 1416 Gobbler Head Drive and Ragas said the clinic will be the home of primary care physicians.
“This is important because it’s an expansion of primary care in our community,” Ragas told the assembled visitors at the ribbon cutting and blessing. “Your primary care doctor is your gatekeeper. It’s who you see first when you have a need.”
Ragas said the new clinic expands coverage, and he noted the hospital will expand coverage once again when it opens another clinic in about 10 days.
“We’re proud to be expanding and we hope to be here for a very long time,” he said.
The second clinic will be on Avenue F.
“That’s just another example of how we’re spreading our wings and taking care of the members of our community,” Ragas said.