Franklinton pharmacy burglars quickly caught

Published 11:06 am Saturday, July 4, 2015

On the evening of Wednesday, July 1, the Franklinton Police Department received an alarm call from Forshag’s Pharmacy, 1919 Main St. in Franklinton.

When officers arrived they observed a window broken, and apparent entry had been made into the business. Sgt. Chad Dorsett checked the interior for possible suspects, but they had fled the area prior to Dorsett’s arrival.

Witnesses in the area came forward and reported a suspicious male leaving the pharmacy and walking south on Main Street/Louisiana Highway 16. While Lt. James Holmes secured the pharmacy, Dorsett, Capt. Randall Penton and Cpl. Clay Arceneaux, along with Washington Parish Sheriff’s Office Deputy Mitchell Nesmith, went to the Leap of Faith Apartments. Through further witness cooperation, officers located the alleged perpetrators’ room. Officers spoke to Josef K. Hughes, 21, of the Leap of Faith Apartments on Highway 16 in Franklinton, and Allison E. Magee, same address. While speaking with both individuals, officers saw numerous bottles labeled Oxycontin and HydorMorphine laying on the floor inside the room.

Both Hughes and Magee were detained on suspicion of burglary and possession of narcotics.

Chief Donald Folse and Detective James Folks went to the pharmacy, and Folks located blood and video evidence within the building, with video evidence showing a subject fitting the description given by witnesses and clothes being worn by Hughes at the time he was detained.

Because Leap of Faith Apartments is outside the city limits, Folse contacted Washington Parish Sheriff’s Office narcotics officers. They recovered numerous bottles of pain medications and other drug paraphernalia inside the room. Folks assisted in the search and collected forensic evidence connecting Hughes to the Forshag’s burglary.

Folks and Dorsett later interviewed Hughes, who admitted his involvement in the burglary and theft of the narcotics. Hughes was arrested and charged with burglary of a pharmacy, simple burglary and criminal damage to property over $500 and theft. Magee was charged by the Washington Parish Sheriff’s Office for narcotics violations. Both individuals are on probation from previous arrests.

“If not for the quick response of Sgt. Dorsett, Cpl. Arceneaux and Capt. Penton and the support of the community who came forward with information, these individuals would have been able to distribute the narcotics into our community. It is with the support of the public that this incident was quickly resolved,” Folse said.