Time to buckle down for last part of school year

Published 8:50 am Friday, April 10, 2015

Several schools in Washington Parish are out for spring break this week, and others were off last week.

Spring break is a great time for teachers and students to get a mental and physical break from the day-to-day grind that makes up the school year.

The tests and homework are put on hold while the studying goes on, but maybe not at the intense pace that it would on a normal week.

Last week, the calendar changed to April, which marks the beginning of the Major League Baseball season, the climax of the NCAA Basketball Tournament and the beginning of the end of the school year.

Summer is on the horizon, but the journey through the school year is not yet complete. When classes resume, it’s time to make that last push and finish the year on a great note.

Spend a little extra time preparing for that test or proof reading that paper.

It’s about getting that point that could be the difference between an A and a B or a B and a C.

It’s always tough for an athlete after a game, thinking about if they could have made that one easy shot that rolled off the rim, caught that pass for a first down that would’ve sealed a victory or fielded that groundball cleanly.

School is no different. Sometimes, catching that one mistake on a research paper can be the difference in a letter grade.

Good luck to all of the students for the rest of the school year.