Bogalusa city councilman defends voluteerism

Published 7:01 pm Sunday, March 22, 2015

Dear Editor:

In a recent letter to the editor, Angelo Pepe accused me of volunteering so that I can be seen. An one that knows me knows that nothing could be further from the truth.

I can’t help it if the work that needs to be done is in the public eye. Whether (The Daily News) realizes it or not by their willingness to print this man’s letter, they have dealt a detrimental blow to voluntarism. Why would anyone want to volunteer if they have to worry about being bad-mouthed and having false accusations made against you for your reasons for volunteering in the first place?

As for me, I will continue to volunteer my efforts to move this city forward, and I will not apologize to him or anyone else for doing so.

If anything I will increase my efforts. (We sure could use the help if you have any spare time on your hands, and don’t worry what a few people might say.) I was also accused of violating the City Charter, however he offered no example of said violation and the Daily News printed his letter based just on his word.

This man has been saying this for years and never shown an example to anyone on the council.

I feel as though I’ve been accused, tried and convicted in the court of one man’s mind, and after spending 54 years in one city doing what is right, helping others and being a productive member of this community, I feel as though the content of my character has been violated.

I thank you for taking the time to read this letter and hearing my side of this miscarriage of my character.

– City Councilman at Large

Teddy Durmmond