The hats say it all

Published 10:11 am Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Civic League met at Maria’s Restaurant on Oct. 6 for its annual “Hat Show” and first luncheon of the year.

Four provisional members were pinned by President Peggye Huddleston and became active members. They included Anna Peters, Tamira Smith, Denise Cummings and Barbara Adams.

The provisional members fixed up their hats in an attempt to best give a visual look at aspects of their life. Hats had photos of family, pets, church life and favorite college or professional football teams. Of course, the New Orleans Saints dominated the professional sports aspect.

Merlin Duke judged the hat contest. Duke selected Leaudria Miller for Prettiest Hat. In the Funniest Hats category, Duke selected Bonnie Fane Alford, Jackie Martin and Gloria Fortenberry.

The group enjoyed music from Gordon Thomas on the piano before activities began. Serving drinks were Judy Marshall and Miller. Dr. Lynne Alexander represented the Daughters of the American Revolution at the function and donated a gift basket. Chrissy’s Restaurant also donated a gift basket, which included the Bogalusa Cookbook, a gift certificate and a Bogalusa Monopoly game, among other items. Denise Cummings and Jean Hortman sold raffle tickets at the door. Kitty Baker signed in members and guests at the door.

The Civic League has 131 members from beginning members to honorary members. The organization began in 1946 electing officers and drafting a constitution and bylaws. The group started out with 13 charter members. The group also boasts 11 Golden League members with 50 or more years of membership.

Officers for the 2014-2015 year are Huddleston, president; Janice Hilaire, vice president; Baker, treasurer; Hortman, recording secretary; and Marshall, corresponding secretary.

According to the Civic League Yearbook, the club has evolved but remains focused on its service to the community, especially to the youth and social services of the area. Because of the 13 charter members, Bogalusa has an organization that provides members opportunities to be involved in the community.

The Civic League meets again at noon on Nov. 3 at First Presbyterian Church. Its Fashion Show is scheduled for Dec. 1 back at Maria’s Restaurant. The social hour begins at 11 a.m., followed by lunch at noon.