Time running out to register for fall elections

Published 9:54 am Monday, October 6, 2014

Time is running out to register to vote for the Nov. 4 General Election.

Monday is the final day to register to vote and support your candidates at the polls on Nov. 4.

We can’t stress enough the importance of voting. Men and women gave their lives on the field of battle to secure this right for us. The least we can do is register to vote and then actually vote. In our opinion, that is a small way to say thank you to all of those brave men and women who paid the ultimate price and are in harm’s way on a daily basis.

Washington Parish Registrar of Voters Randy Strickland said it’s imperative for voters to make sure their registration is complete and postmarked by midnight Monday to be eligible to vote in the next election.

Citizens can register at the Post Office, City Hall or any Motor Vehicle Registration Office. He cautioned against dropping off your registration form at shopping center pickup boxes because of the possible late pickup.

We think Strickland offers some sound advice. We know there will be some folks who won’t follow that advice. They will be the ones who miss the opportunity to vote. We say if you don’t vote, don’t complain when your candidate loses out in the election process.

Strickland explained the process for early voting in Washington Parish.

Starting the Tuesday after the Washington Parish Free Fair in Franklinton, citizens can begin the process of voting early from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Oct. 21 through 28, excluding Sunday.

Voters will need a photo I.D.

He said early voting will take place in Bogalusa at Northshore Technical Community College. In Franklinton, early voting will be conducted at the Courthouse.

The Nov. 4 election will be the first opportunity to vote for many. We all need to get in the habit of voting whether or not we think it makes a difference.

Voting does matter. Voting does make a difference. We see all the upheaval in foreign lands every day on television. Be thankful that is not us.

Register and then vote. We’ll all be the better for it.