Teen summit tomorrow

Published 10:59 am Friday, August 8, 2014

Getting children pointed in the right direction is the aim for Project H.O.P.E.

With that in mind, the organization is sponsoring Saturday afternoon’s seventh annual Teen Summit/Parish Showcase at the Bogalusa High School auditorium.

The Teen Summit/Parish Showcase kicks off at 2 p.m., with various career workshops.

“The main thing about the event is educating the youth,” Project H.O.P.E. president Jamal Richmond said. “The teen summit consists of people in the community with different backgrounds who comes in and talks to the youth. We’ll have doctors, lawyers, teachers, law enforcement officers and athletes, to name a few, who will come in and speak to the kids.”

Richmond said the way the Teen Summit is set up is for the community professionals to speak to the youth in 15-20 minute sessions about drug abuse and life in general before moving on to another group. Richmond said approximately 20-30 kids will form each group.

“The kids talk to the doctors, lawyers and law enforcement officials and get their guidance,” Richmond said.

Richmond said Project H.O.P.E. reaches out to about 100 to 200 children a year.

Following the Teen Summit, the Parish Showcase follows. It consists of local dancers, singers and other types of talent. Performing groups include Zeta Archonettes, V.H.S. Blue Angels, Bogalusa High School Paperdolls, the Ashkay Dance Co., the O’Bryant Dance Co. and Beta Beta Lambda.

“We make sure everybody gets a donation from Project H.O.P.E.,” Richmond said.

Richmond said the event will conclude at approximately 6 p.m.

“The event has been successful in the past,” Richmond said. “We expect another good day Saturday if it doesn’t rain.”

For more information, contact Richmond at 985-634-0620.