YMCA’s afterschool tutoring gets boost Northshore Foundation

Published 9:07 am Friday, June 13, 2014

The YMCA on Avenue B got some great help for its After School Tutoring Program in the form of a $2,500 grant from the Fund for Bogalusa through the Northshore Community Foundation.

YMCA Chief Volunteer Officer Stuart Parker said they are very appreciative of the funding.

“It means a lot to us because we have an afterschool program for kids in first and second grade,” Parker said. “The United Way only funds about 15 percent of it, so we have to find funding from other places. The Northshore Foundation allowed us to apply and receive some funding to help cover the supplies we need for the teacher.”

Parker said they offer the class for first- and second-graders who are having trouble.

“Our instructor is Mrs. (Faith) Grigg,” Parker said. “She is a very good teacher. She’s a certified (teacher), retired and is very well known.”

Parker said the class is free, but it is only for those who are behind.

“Once they bring them up to their grade performance, we transfer them out and bring in new ones,” Parker said.

The Northshore Community Foundation is serves the parishes of Washington, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa and St. Helena. Some of the ways it helps are through scholarships and support of non-profits.

For more information on the Northshore Community Foundation, visit www.northshorefoundation.org.