Bogalusa Lions Club installs 2013-14 officers
Published 1:06 am Sunday, June 30, 2013
The Bogalusa Lions Club installed officers for the 2013-14 at its regular meeting on Tuesday, June 18 at Western Sizzlin. The Rev. Clay Norwood, pastor of Superior Avenue Baptist Church, was the installing officer. Following a rib eye steak dinner the group held a short business meeting before the installation service.
Rupert Breland was installed as Lions Club president. Also installed were Mack Corcoran, vice president; John Douglas, treasurer; Col. Bobby Miller, secretary; Buddy Adams as tail twister; and Cheryl Douglas, lion tamer. Bert Breland was installed as charitable treasurer, and Virginia Carroll. Willie Mae Sumrall, Glenda Givens and Aaron McDuffe were installed as directors. Janice Adams stood in for the absent Glenda Givens.
After officers were installed, Mark Blow welcomed four new members — Mel and Freda Remington, Debbie Lusco and George Adams — to the club. They each received their Lion’s Club vest along with a Lions pin and membership card.
After the meeting, the group enjoyed cake and coffee, and the that decorated the tables were given as door prizes.
The next meeting will be held July 2, with Willie Mae Sumrall in charge of the program.