3rd Annual Member Art Show and Sale set for March 23
Published 4:00 pm Wednesday, March 13, 2013
The Washington Art Association will hold its Third Annual Member Art Show and Sale on Saturday, March 23. The event will be held from 2-6 p.m., this year at the beautiful home of Sara Nelson in Clifton, located approximately 5 miles north of Franklinton.
The home is easily located at 28035 Winfred Bateman Drive, situated in a triangular area also bordered by Highway 25. A large sign will be on the highway to direct visitors.
Nelson, an experienced artist in her own right, also owns and operates the Red Barn at Clifton, which is filled with her unique art and other designs.
As in years past, the show will be professionally hung by Cindy Nicholas of Baton Rouge, a certified art appraiser with years of experience in presenting and hanging art shows. Nicholas was excited about arranging the show at the Nelson home, which she said was perfectly suited for displaying all the beautiful artwork.
The exhibit, which has been previously held up the road in Warnerton, has been quite successful in the past two years, drawing hundreds from both Louisiana and Mississippi during its one-day showing, proving the work of local artists to be quite popular. Various works of art will be featured, including oils, watercolors, glass, sculpture, wood art and jewelry. Art will be in all prices ranges, sure to fit every pocketbook.
Show chairman Ann Warner said this is also a class social event, with wonderful refreshments that are works of art as well as tasty.
Already 27 area artists have signed up for the event, with more expected to join the group. They include: Ann Warner, Willard Harrell, Ann Crawford, Bob Ann Breland, Sara Nelson, Frances Miller, Violeta Thomas, Reba Sanspree, Lenora Frazier, Sylvia Garrett Dugas, Lora Lynn Fendlason, Kaye Williams, Terry Seal, Louise Barber, Jeanne Green, Christine Beatty, Chris Bradford, Janis Fisher, Ellen Barrett, Margaret Shipley, Nina Passman, Gwen Thompson, Christy Case, Dot Lampton, Charlyn Harvey, Suzie Sanders and Kathye Ryan.
This free event is the lone member art exhibit by the association for the year and art association members encourage the public to attend and enjoy all the artwork. Others who want to take part should call Warner at 515-0624.