Matron’s Club holds monthly meetings
Published 2:46 pm Wednesday, November 28, 2012
The Matrons Club of Bogalusa held its September meeting at the Big Easy restaurant in Bogalusa for breakfast. President Sue Carhart called the meeting to order and club business was discussed. After dues were paid and food for the food bank collected, birthdays for Jo Porter and Ila Pittman were acknowledged. Members had a moment of silence for remembrance of 9/11.
The devotion, “The Presence of Angels,” was brought by Porter, after which the meeting was adjourned. Attending, in addition to those already mentioned, were Evelyn McKay, Katherine Bayard and Joan Woodward. Melonee Bougham was absent due to illness.
The October meeting was held at the Big Easy for breakfast, with Jo Porter as hostess. President Carhart opened the meeting with a food bank collection. In addition, a call was made for clothes for Hurricane Isaac victims to be dropped off at the ESM United Methodist Church office.
Porter introduced a friend from New York who attended, Elizabeth Robbins. Katherine Bayard’s birthday was acknowledged and a card was signed to send to Melonee Bougham, who is ill.
In closing, Porter read the story of a young boy who was explaining the purpose and duties of God. He said that Jesus is God’s son and he does all of the hard work, as people are praying all the time.
Members attending not already mentioned were Ila Pittman, Evelyn McKay and Joan Woodward.
The Big Easy was the site of the November meeting of the Matron’s Club. After President Carhart called the meeting to order, roll call was taken and donations for the food bank collected. “Happy Birthday” was sung for all the members, followed by a devotion, which was brought by Joan Woodward. Before the meeting was adjourned, plans for the Christmas meeting were discussed, with each member to bring a gift to exchange to the meeting.
Members attending (in addition to those mentioned) were Evelyn McKay, Jo Porter and Katherine Bayard. Melonee Bougham is still unable to attend due to illness.