Fill the sky with pink
Published 8:26 am Sunday, November 11, 2012
Heritage Manor of Franklinton hosted a campaign for the month of October, with a mission to fill the sky with pink balloons to bring attention to Breast Cancer Awareness Month, recognize loved ones who have been affected by cancer and raise money for research. A goal of 500 balloons was set, in an effort to raise $1,000 by the end of the month. Each balloon was $2. Administrator Jamey Walker agreed to wear a pink dress if the goal was met. Director of Admissions James Carrier also agreed to wear a pink dress if the goal was exceeded. A total of $1,150 was raised. Both men followed through on their promise when a balloon release was held at the facility on Friday, Nov. 2 at 5 p.m. All funds collected were donated to the American Cancer Society.