Bogalusa Civic League installs new officers

Published 6:14 pm Thursday, August 9, 2012

New officers were installed, members recognized for service and new members introduced when Civic League held its May luncheon at Bogalusa Country Club.

It was a special installation as Mary Anthony, the only surviving charter member of the 65-year-old organization, charged officers with the duties of their respective offices. She said she appreciated being asked to install the officers and was honored that she had a part in starting the organization. She commended the retiring officers for their work.

Anthony said Civic League members are the seed to bring forth the future to help Bogalusa to grow and that she sensed a new beginning, as things seemed to be getting better. She commended the new officers for stepping forth and taking responsibility.

“A new beginning, a new adventure and new rewards,” she said.

Those installed included Brenda Simon, president; Joanne Polk, vice president; Shirley Evans, treasurer; Jackie Martin, recording secretary; and Robyn Sprehe, corresponding secretary.

Following the installation, Simon thanked Anthony for the installation and for her many years of service to Civic League, presenting her with a gift.

The new president said she didn’t have a speech, but it was an honor to be elected and she would “give it all I have.” She added that with the help of members, they would have a good year.

Outgoing President Adams handed the gavel of office to Simon, as she turned the responsibility of the office to her successor. Rachael Stewart, special projects chairman, presented a gift to Adams as she made her closing remarks as outgoing president.

Stewart also recognized members who were advancing from active to sustaining status after five years service, telling the hours each had given in civic projects: Adams, 1,542.5 hours; Sue Carhart, 947.5; Ginger Corkern, 618; Terri Parker, 320.5; and Tammy Wascom, 400 hours. Each was given the gift of an inscribed pewter plate.

Also recognized by Stewart for 10 years of service to Civic League were nine members, who advanced from sustaining to honorary status: Ann Arata, Patricia Branch, Shirley Lewis, Martha Moak, Tommie Jean Rayburn, Sharon Ball, Sandra Ferguson, Nicole McGehee and Ann Nevers.

New members were introduced by Corkern, membership chairman, who also told a little about each one, including Polly Martin, Joyce Puckett, Sharon Lawrence, Judy Marshall, Leaudria Miller, Mary Helen Williams and Amanda Terrell. The new members will be officially welcomed at the annual hat luncheon to be held Oct. 1.

Prior to the installation and recognition ceremonies, Adams welcomed members and guests and made some announcements. Special guests and officers were recognized prior to the blessing by Jennifer Brennan.

Following lunch, past presidents of Civic League were recognized by Simon and each was given time to tell a little about their experiences.

A drawing was held for door prizes at the close of the program.

Members and guests attending in addition to those mentioned above included Billie Sue Alford, Vaiden Barlow, Debbie Baughman, Katherine Bayard, Jolene Black, guests Beverly Haley and Sheila Seal, Bert Breland, Christie Brennan, Marilyn B. Crews, Maria Dowdy, with guest Kristy Dowdy, Carol Duke, Rusty Durand, Gloria Fortenberry and Kathy Grosche. Also attending were Sue Magee, guest Jane Ann Adcox, Rosemary Marx, Audrey McCain, Terri McClendon, Susan Merrick, Joy Murphy, Wendy Perrette, Susie Pittman, Jo Porter, guest Betty Bedwell, Margaret Ryals, Pris Sampson, Lurtie Sanders, Sandy Schmidt, Linda Scott, Brenda Simone, Barbara Spiers, Lisa Sprehe, Larisa Stewart, Shanny Thigpen, Betty Thomas, Frances Thomas, Violeta Thomas, Joalyn Thomas, with guest Barbara Lee, Denise Tisdale, Kim Wagner, Laura Wall, Samantha Verret, Elaine Wheat, Kathy Whitaker, Melinda White, Mary Beth Williams and honorary member, Bob Ann Breland.