Bogalusa City Schools release policy for free and reduced lunch prices | Families must complete application form to verify eligibility
Published 11:46 pm Tuesday, July 24, 2012
As part of the National School Lunch and/or the School Breakfast Program, the Bogalusa City School Board has released its policy for fee and reduced price meals. Household income and family size are the criteria used to determine eligibility. See graphic above.
To apply for free or reduced price meals, families must complete an application form, which is being sent to the homes of students in the district, along with a letter. Only one application per household is necessary. Additional copies of the application are available at each school, and applications are accepted at any time during the year. Please note that all information submitted on the application is confidential and will be used specifically to determine eligibility for the program. The information provided may be verified at any time during the school year by school or other program officials.
Every child living in a home where any member of the household receives benefits under assistance programs such as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), FITAP (Family Independence Temporary Assistance Program) or FDPIR (Food Distribution Programs on Indian Reservations) is eligible for free meals. Each household now receiving benefits from assistance programs must provide the case number of a household member, as well as the signature of an adult household member.
For all other households, the following information must be provided on the application:
• Names of all household members;
• Gross amount of income (before deductions for taxes, Social Security, etc.); each household member receives;
• How often the person received the income;
• Where income is from (wages, retirement, welfare, etc.);
• The signature of an adult household member certifying that the information provided is correct;
• The Social Security number of the adult household member signing the application;
• Or a statement that the household member does not possess one.
The school must be made aware of any child who falls into any of the following categories, as they will be automatically eligible for free meals: foster, homeless, runaway, migrant or enrolled in state-funded Head Start of Even Start programs. Lisa Thigpen will determine eligibility for free meals based on documentation obtained directly from the program office and will notify the household of its eligibility for benefits. If a parent or guardian is dissatisfied with the ruling, he or she may ask to discuss the decision with the determining official on an informal basis. To make formal appeal of the decision, a parent may make an oral or a written response to the superintendent of the school board at 1705 Sullivan Dr., Bogalusa; the phone number is 281-2113.
In addition, a household must notify the school if it chooses to decline benefits. A household that has not been notified of free meal eligibility by Aug. 10 should complete an application.
Any change in status regarding employment or household size should be reported to the school.