Centennial Cookbook Committee seeking recipes
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, June 7, 2011
A call is going out from those on the Centennial Cookbook Committee for recipes of all kinds. Dig out those old cookbooks and those handwritten recipes and copy some of the best. Send things you remember from your childhood and the stories that you recall from your family kitchen.
Lydia Fendlasen said she recently found a handwritten recipe for a cake, and the directions said to put it it a “fast oven.” In the days of wood stoves, she said she thought that mean a hot oven. No time instructions were given, she said, nor any ingredient amounts. Back then you “just knew,” she said.
The committee is also looking for modern recipes, as well as hints, anecdotes and so forth. They would also appreciate recipes and stories from some of the great cooks in the black community, as well as other ethnic recipes, such as Italian recipes from the St. Joseph’s Altar: breads and cookies.
Send any other recipes that are special to you to Lydia Fendlason, 1351 Charwood Dr., Bogalusa, 70427 or call her at 735-1095.
Other committe members are Patricia Watson, Ann Creel, Cidette Rayborn and Joan Hartman.