Shoe drive helps pets

Published 4:39 am Saturday, April 23, 2016

For the most part, shoes and pets don’t mix.

But, for the next couple of weeks, they will, as the Magnolia chapter of the Humane Society of Louisiana ramps up a shoe drive to benefit the animal welfare group.

Kay Grantham, the secretary and treasurer of the group, said they kicked off the drive about the same time as the flood in early March, but the group didn’t want to publicize it immediately after the tragedy.

“I kind of didn’t kick it off right away because I was thinking, should we really be collecting shoes that people could use,” she wondered.

However, after a couple of weeks and noticing there was lots of aid for flood victims, she began getting the word out.

If the chapter can collect 2,500 pairs of shoes, the group will get $1,000 from Funds2Orgs. That group helps nonprofits in the United States by buying up items like shoes and then providing those items to entrepreneurs in developing countries who sell the clothing through small businesses.

Grantham she heard about Funds2Orgs last year, when she got an email from the group offering its services.

“We looked at this fundraiser last year, but you know when you first look at it, you think, ‘Hmmm, is this for real?’ But we looked it it again, and we read some reviews and then we thought, ‘Let’s go for it,’” she said.

So far, Grantham said the group has met half its goal, and she’s hopeful they can get another 1,250 shoes in the next two weeks.

May 15 is the official deadline for the donations, though Grantham said Funds2Orgs is allowing her group a bit more time due to the flooding. Still, Grantham said her garage is filled with shoes and she would like them gone, so she’s hoping to meet the May 15 deadline.

Grantham added she’s had some help from some dedicated groups.

“The Good Samaritan’s Club at Mt. Hermon School collected 600 pairs of shoes,” she said. “They filled up the back of my Ford F-150 with shoes.”

Grantham said the shoes need to be new or gently used. However, she stressed that people should just donate them in whatever condition they’re in.

“Just send the shoes and we’ll sort them,” she said. “We’ll determine what they’ll take you don’t need to stress about that.”

Several locations around the area have collection boxes, including the Daily News office at 525 Ave. V.

“And there’s Magnolia Thrift in Abita Springs,” she said. Grantham said that store is a retail store that is run for the benefit of animal rescue groups, and the owner will take shoes, if people let her know what they’re for.

Finally, Grantham said, she can have volunteers collect shoes as well. Her number is 985-335-0758.

“I have volunteers who will arrange to pick them up,” she said.